Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Session 6

The Heroes decide to return to the mill, hoping to find the "knowledge" foreseen by Madame Eva. After a careful search, hidden is a secret compartment, they find the Tome of Strahd, a journal penned by the Lord of Barovia himself. Among the dusty pages, they find the wisdom to better confront the dark lord.
After a night of rest, the Heroes make their way back to Vallaki, to find a vistani camp where, accoridng to Madame Eva, they're supposed to meet an "ally". On the road they're assaulted by dire wolves, which they dispatch prompty, and then they have a creepy encounter with a talking bat, who reveals himself as Strahd! The dark lord taunts the Heroes, but luckily does not attack them. When he leaves, the Heroes are left to wonder if somehow Strahd is pushing them to a confrontation.
At the Vistani camp, they meet the dusk elf Kasimir. He shares their hate for Strahd, since his sister was abducted by the dark lord. He claims to be in contact with her through dreams that she sends him. In this dreams, she revealed to him that the source of Strahd's power is to be found in the Amber Temple. Fearing the evil of the Temple, Kasimir suggests that the Heroes gather more power and allies before exploring the dark church.
Still following the hints dropped by Madame Eva, the Heroes go to Vallaki to find Rictavio, a carnival master who "is not what he seems". During their stay at the Blue Water Inn, they meet a conclave of friendly wereravens, and manage to speak with Rictavio himself. After some convincing, the half-elf agrees to help the Heroes, and he gives them the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, a powerful artefact forged by the gods of light, surely an effective weapon against the undead.

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